The Southern Taurid meteor shower reaches its peak Nov. 12. Here's how to maximize your chances of seeing a colorful fireball ...
The dramatic Marley Foundation Astronomy Discover Center at Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff has a rooftop viewing deck and ...
This list of commonly confused terms in astronomy will help you better understand the cosmos and the common phenomena we see in the sky.
Finding the right telescope can be challenging, especially for beginners. So, when Nicole Frayn first decided to invest in a ...
The Hubble Space Telescope has captured a spiral galaxy under the "ram pressure" inside a massive cluster of galaxies.
Galaxies, planets, constellations, stars... the cosmos are “the greatest of mysteries.” Let's go stargazing together. Plus, ...
This MSc requires students to have an undergraduate degree level of knowledge in physics, astronomy, astrophysics or related discipline, who wish to develop a career in astrophysics and related fields ...
A new AI machine learning technique helped historians analyze 76,000 pages from astronomy textbooks spanning nearly two centuries.
On a brisk October morning, with 20 pounds of gear on my back, I trekked up a steep, rocky trail. With each step, I felt my throat constrict and my lungs heave. As a city person, my idea of an ...
plus some helpful astronomy-related software. Our events can be enjoyed by beginner stargazers, astronomy/astrophotography enthusiasts, sci-fi fanatics, nature lovers and anyone with an interest in ...